Hanawalt Vision

Hanawalt strives to be a model community of learning,
educating the whole child with 21st century skills
while celebrating diversity and individualism.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December - Dates to Remember

2 120-minute early dismissal
7 String Concert at Drake University,
Sheslow Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.

10 Hanawalt Band and 4th and 5th Grade Chorus Concert
6:00 p.m. – Weitz Commons

16 4th and 5th Grade Chorus Tour – morning
18 All School Sing-A-Long – 2:30 p.m.
21-31 Winter recess – no classes

News From the Principal

“Celebrate!” This is the name of our first musical performance of the year. This was held in the Weitz Commons on November 25. This year we selected to celebrate Character Counts. While it is very difficult for some parents to be able to take time off of work during the day, a daytime performance is one of the ways that we can guarantee a high percentage of students in attendance. If you have a preference regarding this event, please let me know. All other musical performances are held in the evening. It was wonderful to see so many families in attendance. Thank you all for navigating the chronic parking dilemma.

The student council food drive for Combat Hunger brought in more than 1,000 pounds of canned and boxed food.

Helping Hand donations this fall means that twenty children have received much needed winter coats. We thank you all for your generosity.

Hanawalt has been recognized as an Energy Star School. We have significantly reduced the energy use in the building even though the building is used almost every week night for community organizations and athletic teams. Last year’s student council arranged for recycling paper in every classroom and also asked that the food service department serve fruit and vegetable directly onto trays instead of putting the food in containers that would be thrown into the garbage. We welcome other ideas as we seek to become more environmentally conscientious.

Many parents have asked how Hanawalt will be affected by the across the board cuts. Our budget has been cut by approximately 4%. This will means we will need to use less paper and make substantially fewer purchases. The impact for next year is still unknown, but every school in the district (and the state, for that matter) will be affected.

We are committed to providing an education that focuses on rigorous academics, fitness and healthy living, and meaningful opportunities in the fine arts that enhance children’s lives.

Infinite Campus Portal

The Infinite Campus Portal provides access for guardians and students to view information as it is being entered by teachers, counselors, and staff. Guardians will have access to their student’s attendance, fees, schedule, and family demographic information all from one login. The district and school buildings may also post notifications to guardians through the portal.

To access the portal, open your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) and use the URL: http://www.dmps.k12.ia.us/CampusPortal/. This link will provide information on how to use the portal, how to request an account, computer requirements and other helpful information. If a guardian needs further assistance they may contact the help desk through email at portal@dmps.k12.ia.us or 242-8161. Include your name, and a description of the problem or your request. Please do not call the school directly. When a guardian clicks the FAMILY link on the left navigation bar, the family demographics are shown. Guardians can verify their address, phone numbers and email.

Guardians can view each student’s attendance records by clicking the ATTENDANCE link. The Campus Portal is a real-time system meaning that when a teacher marks a student absent or tardy, it is immediately available for guardians to see using the Campus Portal. Guardians accessing attendance information during any school day might notice an absence that has not yet been cleared. Absences are typically cleared as soon as the school receives the appropriate notification (e.g., doctor’s appointment). Another feature for guardians is the fees module. The FEES link will allow a guardian to see the fee history for their student(s). As a guardian you will know which child has a credit, even balance or a balance due. At this time, there is not an online payment option. For assistance go to http://www.dmps.k12.ia.us/CampusPortal/.

News From the Nurse

H1N1 is still here but our school has weathered it quite well. I would like to thank all of you for keeping your student home when they were ill and not sending them back until they were fever free for 24 hours. I think that has really helped keep our school healthy. Please continue to remind your children to wash their hands, cover their coughs, get plenty of rest, and eat well balanced meals.

Cold weather is here. Please be sure to remind your children to wear their winter coats, mittens, hats, etc. We will be going outside for recess and it is much more enjoyable when dressed appropriately. Thanks for all you do to keep our school healthy!

Science Fair Information - Save The Date!

Science Fair - Mark your Calendars! All 4th and 5th grade Hanawalt students are invited to participate in the Hanawalt Science Fair - an exciting event that we hope will encourage students to learn more about the world around them. The science fair will be held at school on Thursday, February 18, 2010 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.

Participation in the science fair is voluntary, and students may work as individuals or in teams of two students. More details will be sent home with all 4th and 5th graders in December before winter break.

Save Your Pop Can Tabs!

The Hanawalt Daisy Troop has started a community service project to help support the families at the Ronald McDonald House. Please save all of your pop can tabs (or any pull tab from a can) and bring them to school. The tabs will be given to the Ronald McDonald House who will then recycle them. The money is used to help support the families with sick children at The Ronald McDonald House. Thank you!

-Kelly Carpenter

Junior Great Books

Junior Great Books is a program which brings great literature and a process of deep thinking about what kids are reading. We have a record number of students participating this year. This activity is directed by Gabrielle Callistein.

2nd grade (led by Beth Nigut) – 7 children, Tuesdays
Josephine Earp
Zion Freeman
Pierce Mansfield
Sam Nicolino
Alec Nigut
Gary Quinn
Alyssia Ramirez

3rd grade (led by Cathy Kramer and Carolyn Vaughn) – 10 children, Tuesdays
Ingrid Collet Andrew King
Alivya Ferrell Andy Kramer
Cleo Green Dale Neal
Ludo Green Ben Russell
Emma Hall Josh Thompson

4th grade (led by Laura Horstmann and Gabrielle Callistein) – 15 children, Tuesdays
Aydin Bashich Danny Kramer
Jessica Bolten Will Nigut
Amber Bormann Anne Percival
Isabel Buchanan Lanny Reed
Dahlia Callistein Eric Shambaugh
McKenna Horstmann Grace Steffensen
Evan Kegan Ben Stone
Sophie Kenworthy Ben Webster

5th grade (led by Linda Beeman and Cheryl Thompson) – 6 children, Thursdays
Anne Beeman
Madilyn Brace
Catie Harris
William Myers
Pearl Neal
Sara Schweitzer
Jacob Thompson

Kindergarten News

Mrs. Revell’s kindergarten students have enjoyed having Ms. Peace, a practicum student from Iowa State University, in our classroom for the past three weeks. During our activities focusing on the letter V, we read about volcanoes, learned some new science words, did some fun activities, and ended with the excitement of an erupting volcano in our classroom. Ms. Peace and the students made a volcano using simple ingredients. The excitement continued as the volcano erupted in our classroom. It was a fun experience for all of us.

First Grade News

In culmination of our “Celebrate Day”, first graders have been reading wonderful stories that demonstrate each of the pillars of Character Counts: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, and fairness. Students are making connections with each of the pillars and writing how they have demonstrated the character traits in their own lives. These writing were shared with guests on “Celebrate Day”. It was a great opportunity to share what we have learned.

In math class, we have begun Unit 3 which teaches problem solving using addition and subtraction in story problems. This unit emphasizes that there are multiple ways to solve each problem.

As the weather begins to get colder, please remember to send warm clothing with your child. Mittens, hats, and heavy coats should be brought to school every day. Thank you for helping keep your child warm and toasty!

Second Grade News

It's December---penguin month! We'll be learning about many of the 17 different kinds of penguins. We'll learn on which continents they live, what they eat, who their enemies and friends are and much more. We will be reading several fiction and nonfiction books. By the end of December we will be penguin experts!

Third Grade News

The Third Grade students are finishing up their fist unit in Social Studies on Communities. We learned about what a community is, how communities are similar and different across the country and the different types of communities we have. We will continue our focus on communities by starting our first “journey” to learn about communities around the world. We’ll be heading off to Japan and will learn all about their history, culture and land!

We finished up our Personal Narrative Writing with a Publishing Party. All students stood up on the stage and read their story to their classmates. We worked on public speaking skills as well as being a good audience. Of course, a party wouldn’t be complete without treats! Thank you to the parents who helped to provide them.

Our next theme in Reading is focused around Incredible Stories. Be ready to ask your child about some incredible stories that they have read!

Forth Grade News

Here’s what’s happening in fourth grade:
  • All students are studying magnetism and electricity in Science
  • All students are completing quilts to depict the economy in the East Region of the United States. They have drawn colorful examples of lobster fishing, chocolate making, cranberry bogs, as well as mining, ship building, and many other industries in this region. The next region of study will be the South with a travel brochure to follow.
  • Our reading focus this theme has been nonfiction with a photo album project. Students chose topics of interest, read a book on that topic, and have drawn pictures of the most important aspects of their books. Then, they have captioned each picture. These projects were completed Friday, November 20th and were shared and displayed in each class.
  • PTA is generously sponsoring our field trip to the Historical Building with three classes at the Historical Building and a show titled Ice Age Follies. Thank you Hanawalt PTA!

Fifth Grade News

Fifth graders are studying the Human Body Systems for Health and Science class from now until the winter break. Students will be working in teams to research a body system, write a written report and present their reports to the class using either poster boards, power point, or smart board. Along with the project students visited Des Moines University’s simulation labs and experts will be coming into the classroom.

In Writer’s Workshop our communication with our International pen pals is going strong. We have been exchanging letters through the mail as well as emails. Using the computer lab we also conducted our first video conference with our Italian pen pals. In grammar we are preparing for our unit 2 test, which will be on common and proper nouns, singular and plural possessive nouns and abbreviations.

Students are finishing their American Revolution unit in Social Studies. They will be creating a book about people form the American Revolution time period. The next unit will be focusing on the Constitution.

Music Notes

December is a very busy month for Hanawalt musicians. The String Concert is Tuesday, December 7th, Scheslow Auditorium at Drake University at 7:00 P.M.

The Hanawalt Band and 4th & 5th Grade Chorus Concert is Thursday, December 10th in Weitz Commons at 6:00 P.M.

The 4th & 5th Grade Chorus Tour is Wednesday, December 16th in the morning.

The All School Sing-A-Long is Friday, December 18th at 2:30 P.M.

December music classes are filled with projects and singing. We will travel around the world and through time singing and dancing to celebrations during this busy month.

News From the Art Studio

"Every child deserves to have someone smile their biggest smile just because that child entered the room.” (Source Unknown)

It is hard to believe that November is almost over and December is soon to begin, however, pictures of turkeys, and the cutting snowflakes in the art studio definitely confirms it!

5th Grade Artists are working on their two dimensional Vehicles of Inquiry which will be a mixed media piece when they are finished. The process included deep thinking and a variety of techniques and materials. Their ideas are wonderful, and we cannot wait to share them with you!

4th Grade Artists have completed their watercolor landscapes, and created some imaginary November collage scenes using magazines. Laughter was heard in the art studio as students pieced together unlikely object to create their picture!

3rd and 2nd Grade Artists have been learning how to create the illusion of a three dimensional object on a two dimensional surface as they drew a cornucopia. Curved lines and shading was added to the drawing. It was then placed on another surface to look like a table. Symmetry and basic perspective was included in the lesson.

1st Grade Artists discovered that they can draw a turkey using straight lines, curved lines, and a circle. After adding background to their drawing, the works of art were a treat. It is always amazing to young children when they realize that they already have the tools to create the drawing, they simple need to put them together!

Kindergarten Artists learned about patterns and symmetry as they fold and cut feather shapes. Each feather is placed on a large drawing of a turkey, becoming a collaborative work of art. Each lesson is based on previous art experiences, so the young ones easily find success! We hope you enjoyed our ‘hand turkeys’. Did you notice our sneaky trick? Be sure to ask your little one.

Please consider hanging up your child’s art. It does not need to be framed, and can even be placed on the refrigerator! Take a moment to ask them about their work. Art is a language, and every artist has a story. When your child sees that you value what they create, it lets them know that you value them. Enjoy family time, and the change of seasons!

Sincerely, Sally McKenzie, Art Educator