Hanawalt Vision

Hanawalt strives to be a model community of learning,
educating the whole child with 21st century skills
while celebrating diversity and individualism.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December - Dates to Remember

2 120-minute early dismissal
7 String Concert at Drake University,
Sheslow Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.

10 Hanawalt Band and 4th and 5th Grade Chorus Concert
6:00 p.m. – Weitz Commons

16 4th and 5th Grade Chorus Tour – morning
18 All School Sing-A-Long – 2:30 p.m.
21-31 Winter recess – no classes

News From the Principal

“Celebrate!” This is the name of our first musical performance of the year. This was held in the Weitz Commons on November 25. This year we selected to celebrate Character Counts. While it is very difficult for some parents to be able to take time off of work during the day, a daytime performance is one of the ways that we can guarantee a high percentage of students in attendance. If you have a preference regarding this event, please let me know. All other musical performances are held in the evening. It was wonderful to see so many families in attendance. Thank you all for navigating the chronic parking dilemma.

The student council food drive for Combat Hunger brought in more than 1,000 pounds of canned and boxed food.

Helping Hand donations this fall means that twenty children have received much needed winter coats. We thank you all for your generosity.

Hanawalt has been recognized as an Energy Star School. We have significantly reduced the energy use in the building even though the building is used almost every week night for community organizations and athletic teams. Last year’s student council arranged for recycling paper in every classroom and also asked that the food service department serve fruit and vegetable directly onto trays instead of putting the food in containers that would be thrown into the garbage. We welcome other ideas as we seek to become more environmentally conscientious.

Many parents have asked how Hanawalt will be affected by the across the board cuts. Our budget has been cut by approximately 4%. This will means we will need to use less paper and make substantially fewer purchases. The impact for next year is still unknown, but every school in the district (and the state, for that matter) will be affected.

We are committed to providing an education that focuses on rigorous academics, fitness and healthy living, and meaningful opportunities in the fine arts that enhance children’s lives.

Infinite Campus Portal

The Infinite Campus Portal provides access for guardians and students to view information as it is being entered by teachers, counselors, and staff. Guardians will have access to their student’s attendance, fees, schedule, and family demographic information all from one login. The district and school buildings may also post notifications to guardians through the portal.

To access the portal, open your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) and use the URL: http://www.dmps.k12.ia.us/CampusPortal/. This link will provide information on how to use the portal, how to request an account, computer requirements and other helpful information. If a guardian needs further assistance they may contact the help desk through email at portal@dmps.k12.ia.us or 242-8161. Include your name, and a description of the problem or your request. Please do not call the school directly. When a guardian clicks the FAMILY link on the left navigation bar, the family demographics are shown. Guardians can verify their address, phone numbers and email.

Guardians can view each student’s attendance records by clicking the ATTENDANCE link. The Campus Portal is a real-time system meaning that when a teacher marks a student absent or tardy, it is immediately available for guardians to see using the Campus Portal. Guardians accessing attendance information during any school day might notice an absence that has not yet been cleared. Absences are typically cleared as soon as the school receives the appropriate notification (e.g., doctor’s appointment). Another feature for guardians is the fees module. The FEES link will allow a guardian to see the fee history for their student(s). As a guardian you will know which child has a credit, even balance or a balance due. At this time, there is not an online payment option. For assistance go to http://www.dmps.k12.ia.us/CampusPortal/.

News From the Nurse

H1N1 is still here but our school has weathered it quite well. I would like to thank all of you for keeping your student home when they were ill and not sending them back until they were fever free for 24 hours. I think that has really helped keep our school healthy. Please continue to remind your children to wash their hands, cover their coughs, get plenty of rest, and eat well balanced meals.

Cold weather is here. Please be sure to remind your children to wear their winter coats, mittens, hats, etc. We will be going outside for recess and it is much more enjoyable when dressed appropriately. Thanks for all you do to keep our school healthy!

Science Fair Information - Save The Date!

Science Fair - Mark your Calendars! All 4th and 5th grade Hanawalt students are invited to participate in the Hanawalt Science Fair - an exciting event that we hope will encourage students to learn more about the world around them. The science fair will be held at school on Thursday, February 18, 2010 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.

Participation in the science fair is voluntary, and students may work as individuals or in teams of two students. More details will be sent home with all 4th and 5th graders in December before winter break.

Save Your Pop Can Tabs!

The Hanawalt Daisy Troop has started a community service project to help support the families at the Ronald McDonald House. Please save all of your pop can tabs (or any pull tab from a can) and bring them to school. The tabs will be given to the Ronald McDonald House who will then recycle them. The money is used to help support the families with sick children at The Ronald McDonald House. Thank you!

-Kelly Carpenter

Junior Great Books

Junior Great Books is a program which brings great literature and a process of deep thinking about what kids are reading. We have a record number of students participating this year. This activity is directed by Gabrielle Callistein.

2nd grade (led by Beth Nigut) – 7 children, Tuesdays
Josephine Earp
Zion Freeman
Pierce Mansfield
Sam Nicolino
Alec Nigut
Gary Quinn
Alyssia Ramirez

3rd grade (led by Cathy Kramer and Carolyn Vaughn) – 10 children, Tuesdays
Ingrid Collet Andrew King
Alivya Ferrell Andy Kramer
Cleo Green Dale Neal
Ludo Green Ben Russell
Emma Hall Josh Thompson

4th grade (led by Laura Horstmann and Gabrielle Callistein) – 15 children, Tuesdays
Aydin Bashich Danny Kramer
Jessica Bolten Will Nigut
Amber Bormann Anne Percival
Isabel Buchanan Lanny Reed
Dahlia Callistein Eric Shambaugh
McKenna Horstmann Grace Steffensen
Evan Kegan Ben Stone
Sophie Kenworthy Ben Webster

5th grade (led by Linda Beeman and Cheryl Thompson) – 6 children, Thursdays
Anne Beeman
Madilyn Brace
Catie Harris
William Myers
Pearl Neal
Sara Schweitzer
Jacob Thompson

Kindergarten News

Mrs. Revell’s kindergarten students have enjoyed having Ms. Peace, a practicum student from Iowa State University, in our classroom for the past three weeks. During our activities focusing on the letter V, we read about volcanoes, learned some new science words, did some fun activities, and ended with the excitement of an erupting volcano in our classroom. Ms. Peace and the students made a volcano using simple ingredients. The excitement continued as the volcano erupted in our classroom. It was a fun experience for all of us.

First Grade News

In culmination of our “Celebrate Day”, first graders have been reading wonderful stories that demonstrate each of the pillars of Character Counts: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, and fairness. Students are making connections with each of the pillars and writing how they have demonstrated the character traits in their own lives. These writing were shared with guests on “Celebrate Day”. It was a great opportunity to share what we have learned.

In math class, we have begun Unit 3 which teaches problem solving using addition and subtraction in story problems. This unit emphasizes that there are multiple ways to solve each problem.

As the weather begins to get colder, please remember to send warm clothing with your child. Mittens, hats, and heavy coats should be brought to school every day. Thank you for helping keep your child warm and toasty!

Second Grade News

It's December---penguin month! We'll be learning about many of the 17 different kinds of penguins. We'll learn on which continents they live, what they eat, who their enemies and friends are and much more. We will be reading several fiction and nonfiction books. By the end of December we will be penguin experts!

Third Grade News

The Third Grade students are finishing up their fist unit in Social Studies on Communities. We learned about what a community is, how communities are similar and different across the country and the different types of communities we have. We will continue our focus on communities by starting our first “journey” to learn about communities around the world. We’ll be heading off to Japan and will learn all about their history, culture and land!

We finished up our Personal Narrative Writing with a Publishing Party. All students stood up on the stage and read their story to their classmates. We worked on public speaking skills as well as being a good audience. Of course, a party wouldn’t be complete without treats! Thank you to the parents who helped to provide them.

Our next theme in Reading is focused around Incredible Stories. Be ready to ask your child about some incredible stories that they have read!

Forth Grade News

Here’s what’s happening in fourth grade:
  • All students are studying magnetism and electricity in Science
  • All students are completing quilts to depict the economy in the East Region of the United States. They have drawn colorful examples of lobster fishing, chocolate making, cranberry bogs, as well as mining, ship building, and many other industries in this region. The next region of study will be the South with a travel brochure to follow.
  • Our reading focus this theme has been nonfiction with a photo album project. Students chose topics of interest, read a book on that topic, and have drawn pictures of the most important aspects of their books. Then, they have captioned each picture. These projects were completed Friday, November 20th and were shared and displayed in each class.
  • PTA is generously sponsoring our field trip to the Historical Building with three classes at the Historical Building and a show titled Ice Age Follies. Thank you Hanawalt PTA!

Fifth Grade News

Fifth graders are studying the Human Body Systems for Health and Science class from now until the winter break. Students will be working in teams to research a body system, write a written report and present their reports to the class using either poster boards, power point, or smart board. Along with the project students visited Des Moines University’s simulation labs and experts will be coming into the classroom.

In Writer’s Workshop our communication with our International pen pals is going strong. We have been exchanging letters through the mail as well as emails. Using the computer lab we also conducted our first video conference with our Italian pen pals. In grammar we are preparing for our unit 2 test, which will be on common and proper nouns, singular and plural possessive nouns and abbreviations.

Students are finishing their American Revolution unit in Social Studies. They will be creating a book about people form the American Revolution time period. The next unit will be focusing on the Constitution.

Music Notes

December is a very busy month for Hanawalt musicians. The String Concert is Tuesday, December 7th, Scheslow Auditorium at Drake University at 7:00 P.M.

The Hanawalt Band and 4th & 5th Grade Chorus Concert is Thursday, December 10th in Weitz Commons at 6:00 P.M.

The 4th & 5th Grade Chorus Tour is Wednesday, December 16th in the morning.

The All School Sing-A-Long is Friday, December 18th at 2:30 P.M.

December music classes are filled with projects and singing. We will travel around the world and through time singing and dancing to celebrations during this busy month.

News From the Art Studio

"Every child deserves to have someone smile their biggest smile just because that child entered the room.” (Source Unknown)

It is hard to believe that November is almost over and December is soon to begin, however, pictures of turkeys, and the cutting snowflakes in the art studio definitely confirms it!

5th Grade Artists are working on their two dimensional Vehicles of Inquiry which will be a mixed media piece when they are finished. The process included deep thinking and a variety of techniques and materials. Their ideas are wonderful, and we cannot wait to share them with you!

4th Grade Artists have completed their watercolor landscapes, and created some imaginary November collage scenes using magazines. Laughter was heard in the art studio as students pieced together unlikely object to create their picture!

3rd and 2nd Grade Artists have been learning how to create the illusion of a three dimensional object on a two dimensional surface as they drew a cornucopia. Curved lines and shading was added to the drawing. It was then placed on another surface to look like a table. Symmetry and basic perspective was included in the lesson.

1st Grade Artists discovered that they can draw a turkey using straight lines, curved lines, and a circle. After adding background to their drawing, the works of art were a treat. It is always amazing to young children when they realize that they already have the tools to create the drawing, they simple need to put them together!

Kindergarten Artists learned about patterns and symmetry as they fold and cut feather shapes. Each feather is placed on a large drawing of a turkey, becoming a collaborative work of art. Each lesson is based on previous art experiences, so the young ones easily find success! We hope you enjoyed our ‘hand turkeys’. Did you notice our sneaky trick? Be sure to ask your little one.

Please consider hanging up your child’s art. It does not need to be framed, and can even be placed on the refrigerator! Take a moment to ask them about their work. Art is a language, and every artist has a story. When your child sees that you value what they create, it lets them know that you value them. Enjoy family time, and the change of seasons!

Sincerely, Sally McKenzie, Art Educator

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Important Information on H1N1

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released the following guidelines for dealing with the H1N1 Flu Strain this season. Rather than try and list all their recommendations here, the following link will load a PDF file of the CDC recommendations.

CDC Flier for H1N1

If you have further questions after reading the flier please contact the CDC at www.flu.gov or 1-800-CDC-INFO.

For a resource closer to home you can always ask Nurse Sandy for her recommendations as well.

Updates from the PTA President

As we all prepare for the long winter months-making plans to travel for family gatherings and celebrate the fall and the slowdown of the winter months ahead, there is still a lot going on at Hanawalt.

The PTA speaker for the month of November is Dr. Barbara Adams, Math Curriculum Supervisor for K-5 for Des Moines Public Schools. Join us on November 12th at 6:30 pm, in Mrs. Carpenter's room, for information on the new math program that all our children are currently experiencing in the classroom. Do you have questions that have come up as you've helped your child with their homework? She will have handouts and lots of good information for all of us.

We have several programs that are getting off the ground and will run through the winter. Kidstriders, Jr. Great Books, Battle of the Books and Literacy Army just to name a few, will all be starting this first part of November. We've had some people ask about having a movie night again this year and we are planning that for the doldrums of winter-look for a movie night in January.

Don't forget the Winter Drop Off Rules go into effect Monday November 9th. See the article and flier published in October (down a little ways in the blog postings) for more information.

So as fall fully descends-I hope you enjoy family time, have safe travels and have healthy happy holidays!!

Please feel free to give me a call at 252-1787 or drop me an email at Cheryl@tasty-treats.com if there is anything you need.

November Dates to Remember

11 120-minute early dismissal
12 PTA Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
25 Celebrate! Character Counts - Performances begin at 1:15 p.m.
26/27 No school

Don't forget about the online calendar, the link is on the side bar to the left.


Celebrate! November 25, 2009

We would like to invite parents, grandparents, or special guests to join us on Wednesday, November 25, 2009. This is the day before Thanksgiving. This year, all of our musical performances will be held in the afternoon. This is NOT an early dismissal day. This year's performance directly connects to our work with the six pillars of character: trustworthiness; respect; responsibility; fairness, caring, and citizenship. Character Counts has been an important aspect of Hanawalt's everyday life for a number of years. The students in Kindergarten through Third Grade invite you to join them in their classrooms approximately 30 minutes prior to the musical performance in the Weitz Commons. We understand that people with children in various grades will be challenged to do both sessions, so we encourage you to attend the music performance as the priority. Classroom activities will reflect Character Counts and the everyday learning that is taking place at Hanawalt. Not all families will be able to attend due to work commitments. We understand this. This will be a regular day of school with some special performances added to our normal school schedule.

Seating will begin at 1:00. Please do not come in earlier as we will be setting up and cleaning after lunch.

Parking is a perpetual challenge, so we will hope for great weather so people can walk!

We hope that you will be able to help us Celebrate Character Counts!

Performances in the Weitz Commons:
1:10-1:35 p.m. Grades K-1
1:50-2:15 p.m. Grades 2-3
2:30-2:55 p.m. Grades 4-5

In Class demonstrations:

12:40-1:00 p.m. Grades K-1
1:20-1:40 p.m. Grades 2-3
Due to space limitations, grades 4-5 will not doing in-class demonstrations.

The second change has to do with students who are tardy. Our school day begins at 8:15 a.m. Students should be seated and getting organized for the day. Students who come in late miss initial instructions and delay the learning for other students as teachers have to review what has already been said. In order to encourage students to spend less time being social at their lockers, students will give up a minute of noon recess for every minute they are late. Obviously this does not apply to students with appointments. Students should be inside the front doors no later than 8:10 a.m. This gives them time to get to their lockers and to their classroom. We are already seeing a big difference in the number of kids who are getting to class on time. It is our goal that every child is in school and ready to learn by 8:15 a.m.

Sally Foster Sales Raise $3,000

A huge "thank you" to everyone who participated in our Sally Foster Fundraiser! With your terrific efforts, Hanawalt raised $3,000 for PTA (with nearly $6,000 in total sales). This will help to fund events such as field trips, educational programming, and supplies to benefit our entire school. Hats off to our top sellers school-wide:

Lauren Carpenter - Kyler Schuster - Katie Baumert - Anna Owenson - Austin Carstens!

Our top-selling classrooms were:
1) Mrs. Yeager's class
2) Ms. Langel's class
3) Mrs. Esch's class.

We greatly appreciate everyone's hard work! It makes a big difference. Way to go, team! A special thank you also goes out to our Sally Foster committee: Sheryl Grimm, Susie Bormann, Cheryl Thompson, and Kay Smith for heading this up.

Second Grade News

The second grade students have started a new unit in reading. It is called Nature Walk. We are reading many stories about nature and the things you find in it.

We have taken a nice walk around our playground to collect samples of leaves and other items found outside. We tried to walk as silently as we could to hear the natural sounds of animals, plants in the wind, and crunching leaves.

Along with the nature stories in our anthology, we have been learning about spiders, bats, and other creatures in the wild. We compare the fiction and non-fiction characters. We have also been talking about the difference between fact and opinion.

Try taking a nature walk of your own. It's easy to do in a park, on a trail, or in your own backyard!

Fifth Grade News

Fifth grade students are very busy with a wide variety of activities happening in the classroom. On Friday, October 30th the fifth graders toured the three branches of the Iowa Government. Our tour started with the Supreme Court which is in the Judicial Building. Students learned about Iowa History and the early stands on the Civil Rights. Our tours then led us to the Iowa State Capitol to tour the Legislative and Executive Branches of government, with a final tour of the dome.

Back in the classrooms students are rotating between the three fifth grade classrooms to study Social Studies, Language Arts and Science. In Social Studies the students chose a topic from the colonial times to research and present. The presentations students created could be in the form of a poster, diorama, play or exhibit. In Language Arts each of the three classes are participating in pen pal activities. The three classes have pen pals from: 5A Germany, 5B Italy, and 5C Russia and Bulgaria. Technology is being used to communicate using Skype, web cam, video and power point. Students just wrote letters explaining about our culture and holidays; students then sent them in the form of a Halloween card. Science class has focused on Food and Nutrition. Students are doing hands on experiments with food to look at sugars, acids, and fats in food. We continue to stretch the level of education while making school fun.

Notes from the Music Room

Music classes have been hard at work preparing for our first All-School concert, “Celebrate”. The theme is “On Pitch with Character” and centers on the six pillars of character. CHARACTER COUNTS! helps students make good choices in their day to day life. This special day is the day before Thanksgiving, Wednesday, November 25th and was formerly known as VIP Day. Please see information on page 2 under “News from the Principal” for more information.

The Hanawalt 4th & 5th Grade Chorus have been rehearsing every Friday after lunch. The chorus has 3 special activities coming up. The first is a concert on Thursday, December 10th at 6:00 P.M. in the Weitz Commons, the second is a tour on Wednesday, December 16th and third, performing for the whole school (date – to be determined).

Hanawalt Art Work on Display

If you go to the Metro Arts Expo this weekend you will see a work of art designed and painted by Hanawalt student artists! There are ten wooden boxes that will be up for auction. A group of Hanawalt artists had the opportunity to add their creative touch to one of the boxes! You will certainly enjoy their creativity, as they have done a fabulous job!

Metro Arts Expo
November 7-8
10AM-6PM Saturday
10AM-4PM Sunday
HyVee Hall-Iowa Events Center

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Updates From The PTA President

First, let me thank everyone who helped and attended Hanawalk. After a week of worrying that it would rain or that everybody would be at the Dave Mathews concert, all concerns turned out to be unfounded!! The families that were able to come had a great time--the weather was lovely, our singing entertainment was delightful, old friendships were renewed and hopefully, some new friendships formed. We did have a few changes this year that seemed to work well. We tried to have all the adults get a name tag as they entered so that it made it easier to see who people were and what grades their children are in to match up names and faces of kids and parents. Our aspiration was that parents, especially those newer to Hanawalt, get to know each other to keep the great tradition of community spirit alive and well at Hanawalt. We sincerely hope that we succeeded in that goal.

To date our pledges have raised $4,229 for this year, last year we raised $6,682. Our budget last year for field trips and transportation was $5,000. Of the $4,229 dollars pledged this year $500 was in matching funds-thank you to the companies that provide matching funds for their employees! If you haven’t gotten a chance to drop your pledges in the PTA mailbox-please do, it’s not too late.

Since last month’s newsletter I have come to realize that those of us who have been around Hanawalt for a while take certain things as common knowledge that really aren't. (What are box tops? And what is Hanawalk? Are two examples) So we are going to hold a Q & A session-two actually, for any questions you may have about Hanawalt, our programs, committees, how things are done, how you can volunteer, or get involved in your child’s school or any other questions you might wondered about. Any questions that are asked before the sessions, I will keep track of and start the meeting with those-if you have the question you can bet other people do as well, so feel free to email your questions to me or bring them to the meeting.

Anybody and Everybody is welcome and encouraged to attend. We will be holding two sessions:
one on October 20, 2009 from 7 pm-8 pm and a second on October 22, 2009 from 7 am-8 am.
Tentatively we will meet in the library. Hopefully one of these times will meet everybody’s schedule.

Our November PTA meeting will be held on Thursday, November 12, 2009 and we will discuss the new math curriculum that has been implemented this year. More information to follow in November’s newsletter.

I hope to see you at the Q & A session whether you’ve been at Hanawalt for a couple of years or are new to the school. You can always email any questions that come up and I’ll do my best to answer them for you!! I can be reached at
252-1787 or drop me an email at cheryl@tasty-treats.com

News From The Principal

Please remind your children that as they are walking to or from school or the bus stop, not to talk to strangers. It is important to practice safety guidelines with all children. Sometimes we assume that because we have told our children once, they will remember what to do. Take a few minutes to review walking precautions. Walk on a sidewalk. Walk with a schoolmate. Cross at street corners, not in the middle of a block. Do not answer if someone calls from a car. If a stranger approaches, run to a safe house or to school. The crossing guard is employed by the Des Moines Police Department. She is an excellent resource if your child is too far from school to return. Encourage your children to immediately tell an adult if something unusual has happened.

Hanawalt is registered at Best Buy to receive Reward Points. Go online and become a Reward Zone member (registration is free). Then when you purchase anything at Best Buy, you could donate your points to the school. We are trying to raise money for new digital cameras. In order to donate points, you must be registered first. Go to www.bestbuy.com

Thank you safety committee. You have made a significant difference in the flow of traffic each morning. Parents and other drivers, we thank you for your cooperation.

Reminder that school starts at 8:15. Please drop off your child between 8:00 and 8:10. This will give students time to go their lockers and be seated before the 8:15 bell rings. Anyone arriving in a classroom after 8:15 is considered to be tardy. Reducing the numbers of tardies is a building-wide goal. It is difficult for learning to take place when students are absent or late.

For families who need some general extra assistance regarding school supplies or clothing, please contact Principal Burton. Our school social worker, Lauren Daniels, can help obtain clothing vouchers for winter clothing and boots. The Helping Hands organization can also be a resource. If you are interested in supporting Helping Hands, please leave a note for Laura Hortsmann in the PTA mailbox.



All pledge forms are due including the amount pledged. Please drop in the PTA mailbox outside the music room at your earliest convenience. Please insure that all monies are in a sealed envelope, any matching fund forms enclosed and the student name/teacher are also on the envelope. Remember 100% of all donations go straight back into student enrichment!! Thank you kindly for your donations!

School Directories

In your student’s take home papers today you should find an envelope with the directory information on the outside. Please take a minute to do a final check that names, address, phone and email are all correct. What is printed on this envelope is what will be in the directory. The cost of the directory is the same as last year at $3.00 per copy. If you would like more than one copy simply note that on the envelope and enclose your full payment. All orders and payments will need to be in the PTA mailbox by next Monday October 12, 2009. Please make sure to pull the tab on the self-sealing envelopes!!

We will be making final corrections and sending to the printer over the conference break. We generally do not have but a few extras so make sure to order yours today!! These directories are a great resource when planning birthday parties, looking for other parents to carpool and for many other reasons. It is for the use of Hanawalt students and their families’ only-it is only available to our students this one time during the year. We hope that you find them useful.

Note From The Nurse

I am happy to report that our building is staying healthy. We continue to encourage good hand washing and our custodial staff is working hard to keep our school clean. Thank you for keeping your children home when they are sick. Please be sure to notify the office if your student will be absent for any reason.

Height, weight, and vision screening will be done in the month of October. Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4thgrade students will have their vision screened. 1st and 5th grade students will participate in the height and weight screening. All students will have their hearing checked in December or January. If you do not want your child to participate in any of these screenings please notify the school nurse in writing.

If you have any health concerns please call or stop in and see me any time. - Sandy Willett, School Nurse

Book Fair Thank You!

To All Those Who Helped at the Hanawalt Book Fair: THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! You guys all outdid yourselves. It was my first time being in charge and you helped to make it a smooth and positive experience for all involved. I also enjoyed getting to know all the volunteers and I want you to know how much I personally appreciate your "get it done" attitude. The students at Hanawalt are the Winners whenever parents get together and support the school activities! Thanks for helping to make the Book Fair a Winner! -Dianna Thompson

Parent Patrol / Drop Off Update

It cannot be said enough how much we appreciate the parent cooperation during drop-off in the morning. We know it has taken some getting used to and there are a few kinks to work out, but in all, it is going smoothly.

One of the questions I am often asked is why we are doing this. Last year, I hit a side mirror, had my car rear-ended, and on two different occasions almost hit a child I didn't see weaving through the cars. I started almost every day mad because there was such chaos. I wasn't alone. There were several other parents who expressed concern and discussed the various ways they avoided the whole thing. So, when Principal Burton put together this committee, I was compelled to volunteer.

This is very simply about the safety of our children. We have a neighborhood school that is tucked into a neighborhood. It doesn't give us too many options, and we're still fine tuning the process. Your concerns and feedback are appreciated and welcome, so please feel free to contact me, Lisa Russell, at lisa@scubacreative.com or 277-1368.

A few updates:

  • You can drop your children off on 56th Street and have them walk down to the crossing guard. This allows you to turn right on SW 58th Drive and get back to Grand Avenue easily.
  • Please do not park in the staff parking lot. Each slot is assigned to a teacher and there are currently no extra slots. It also significantly slows down drop-off if you need to back out.
  • We will be closing the parking lot to drop-off at the first snow or in January after the winter break, whichever comes first. It simply gets too icy and becomes worse the more cars drive on it. Unfortunately, Robertson also becomes interesting, so we are working on ways to make the process as convenient as possible. We will send home additional information in mid-October about the winter drop-off procedures, but wanted to make everyone aware more changes are coming.
  • We could use four more volunteers. This is a 30-minute commitment once a week. Please consider helping.

On Your Mark... Get Set.. Go! Kidstriders

With another school year underway, the cold weather sets in and the “stay indoors more” autopilot is turned on. But not if we know what’s good for us! Obesity rates among children have more than doubled in the past twenty years (National Logitudinal Study of Youth). National Walk & Bicycle to School Day is Wednesday, October 7. Get up earlier, grab the umbrellas and mittens, and take the time to enjoy a brisk walk to school with the kids. If it’s too far, take a family walk after dinner. Regular physical activity can help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. It can also reduce your risk of depression and help you sleep better.

Also, we’re set to kick off another season of KidStriders at school and we hope you’ll encourage your child(ren) to participate. How does it work? This school-based incentive program revolves around the goal of running and/or walking a cumulative distance of 26 miles (just about a full marathon). Between now and April 15, 2010, this can be done during recess in the gym, and 5 miles per semester at home. We will keep track of miles, kids will get fun prizes along the way and each time they walk, they’ll energize their minds and bodies to keep them alert and ready for the rest of the day! More information will come as we begin the program. Take time to get fresh air/exercise with your kids; it’s good for everyone! For questions or to volunteer, contact Mr. Baker at the school, or Mary Mouw at 515-491-6679.

P.E. News - Punt, Pass & Kick Results

Hanawalt held our 5th annual competition on Wednesday September 23rd. Twenty-five students participated in this event sponsored by the NFL. Place winners according to their age division are as follows.

8-9 yr. old boys
1. Will Nigut

2. Nollan Pollard
3. Micheal Quinn
10-11 yr.old girls
1. Bailey Kluesner
2. Cassie Whitehead

10-11 yr. old boys
1.Kevin Duncan
2. Noah Ramsey
3. Danny Kramer

Congratulations to all participants!

Magical Musical Tour Day

The 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders started Magical Musical Tour Day the week of September 28th. This is affectionately known as “Tour Day”. This special day happens 5-6 times a year. Students share music with each other during music class.

There are 2 parts to Tour Day, performing and listening. Performing – Students may; play a piece or song on an instrument, sing, read a poem, or dance. The piece must be performance ready (not just in the learning stage) and Mrs. Looney must OK dances (2 minutes). Students get a chance to learn how to be performers and how to be a good audience. Listening – Students sign up to bring a CD, tape or record by a favorite group. The language and topic of the music must be appropriate. Students learn how to sharpen their listening skills. They listen for the type of music, the instruments playing, vocals, and much more.

Instruments and CDs may be stored in the music room for safe- keeping. Please do not leave instruments or CDs in the lockers.

Music Notes

Music activities are up and running at Hanawalt this Fall. All classes began the year with Patriotic songs. Now, as we move into October, we will be singing and playing some seasonal Fall songs.

All 3rd through 5th grades are reviewing rhythms and composing short pieces. 2nd graders are starting to write their own music with “so and mi” and rhythms. 1st grade singers will revisit “I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly” and Kindergarteners are moving and finding their voices.

The first concert for all students will be on VIP Day, Wednesday, November 25th.

Many interesting sounds are being heard in homes as instrumental music lessons begin. Piano lessons with Mrs. Bierma, string lessons with Mrs. Miller, and band lessons with Mrs. Looney are all underway. The 4th & 5th Grade chorus is already working on their December concert music.

Fall News From The Art Studio

Autumn is the time of year that nature becomes an artist! Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. The colors outside seem to come alive! Be sure to find some time to enjoy the change in the seasons with your child. Take a walk and look for colors, shapes, and shadows. Our Hanawalt artists are looking for interesting things to add to our nature center, so feel free to send items to the art studio. Enjoy!

Kindergarten Artists are learning how to create many colors from the three primary colors of red, yellow, and blue—add a little white and you can make a tint!

Color mixing is always magical, with a lot of “oohs” and “ahhs” that can be heard! Expanding on their knowledge of painting, the young artists learn about the North Wind and the Sun as they retell the story through images in paint. This story is a favorite Aesop’s fable. Look for fabulous paintings and a copy of the fable for you to take home at conference time.

First Grade Artists have been learning about various painting techniques. Starting with different kinds of lines they applied black lines across their paper. Taking a closer look at the space between the lines helps in understanding negative and positive spaces. Variations of primary colors and white are used to create warm and cool colors. The colors seem to pop off of the paper—absolutely stunning designs that will soon be coming your way!

Second and Third Grade Artists are learning about the art of Faith Ringgold. She uses fabric, paint, and the written word to tell stories. Students are working on personal stories of people and pets they love. Using shapes they know to create images, they add texture with crayon rubbings, and follow up with watercolor paint. Paper shapes are added to represent quilted fabric, and words are included to clearly convey their thoughts. These personal art pieces will be treasures you will want to save.

Fourth and Fifth Grade Artists are learning about letterforms. Once students master the use of guidelines, they learn about techniques to change the shape of the lettering. Each artist chooses a word, and then designs their art piece in such a way that the word reflects the meaning. Look for these on the bulletin boards by the art studio during conferences, each art piece is very cleverly designed. -

Artfully Yours! Sally McKenzie, Art Educator

Your Trash Is Our Treasure

Please consider saving and sending your recyclables to the Art Studio! Young artists look forward to using the materials, and their imagination, to build and create sculptures. It is a good way for them to begin seeing and using everyday objects in new and unusual ways. When sending materials, please make sure they are rinsed and dry. For safety reasons, please do not send metal cans or glass containers. We can put any of the following materials to use:

  • Egg cartons
  • Small plastic containers and lids
  • Cardboard paper towel/toilet paper rolls
  • Ribbon, yarn, buttons, jewels
  • Small cardboard pieces and boxes
  • Anything you think has creative possibilities!

If you have items, but are not sure whether to send them or not, feel free to give me a call (Hanawalt: 242-8411) or email me at sally.mackenzie@dmps.k12.ia.us. Thank you for helping us collect interesting materials to use!

First Grade News

The first graders are off to a fantastic start! On September 30, they took a field trip to Living History Farms. There they learned about the ways people in the past met their needs. The children discovered that we still have many of the same needs as people living long ago, but the ways we meet those needs is definitely different in many ways. This experience was part of our social studies curriculum. A HUGE thank you to the parents who went with us to Living History Farms -Dawn Musgrove, Lynn Morse, and Christy Antoniou! We are very fortunate to have this great opportunity. We'd like to thank the PTA for providing the funds for us to go.

Meanwhile back at school, we are having a great time using our new math curriculum. The children are learning to solve addition problems in many ways. Finally, we would like to let the first-grade parents know that we will be beginning spelling homework the week of November 2. That may seem a long way off now, but time just keeps speeding along here in the busy first-grade classrooms! More information about spelling homework will be sent home by your child's classroom teacher.

Third Grade News

The 3rd graders have started a unit on water in science. They are learning about the properties of water and how it reacts on different surfaces, surface tension and how slopes affect water. We will be taking a field trip on October 9 to Des Moines Water Works where we'll learn where the water comes from and the process it goes through so that we can use and drink it. Then we'll head to Saylorville Lake where we'll learn why the lake was made and how the dam works. Students are enjoying the various hands-on experiments with water!

October Dates To Remeber

120-minute early dismissal
120-minute early dismissal - Conferences
PTA Q/A Session – Evening – 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
RE-TAKE – School Pictures – morning
120-minute early dismissal
PTA Q/A Session – Morning – 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
120-minute early dismissal
Classroom Fall Parties (Keep costumes at home)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Updates from the PTA President

Greetings to all Hanawalt families!! I covered a lot of the basics in the welcome letter that was on every student’s desk for Meet the Teacher Night. This can also be found on the blog below this newsletter. One additional bit of information is we would like to encourage everyone to use the mailbox outside of Mrs. Looney’s room for PTA correspondence-this will lessen the load on the front office and keep all PTA business to one receptacle. Please remember to put your correspondence, money, box tops & soup labels in an envelope or zip baggie—anything that goes in the mailbox should be bagged and labeled to its recipient!! We have no way to keep it straight otherwise and it is almost impossible to have it be credited or answered in a timely manner.

Which brings us to box tops and soup labels….we are going to collect these again this year! Jennifer Carstens has generously agreed to head up these programs and is looking for a few helping hands to cut and paste labels. This is a super job that can be done from home if you still have little ones around and it’s not easy for you to volunteer at up at school. PLEASE deposit your labels in an envelope already trimmed, this saves our volunteers so much time! I keep an envelope on the side of my refrigerator and trim as I go so when the envelope is full I have the boys take it to school and put it in the mailbox. This is a great one for grandparents to be involved with as well—just ask them to clip and save then add them to your stash!!

Now for my BIG plea: We desperately need someone to step up as the coordinator of Hanawalk-Fall Fest. We have many of the pieces in place and a good start with committee members, as well as a template of how it’s been run in the past and some changes set for this year. Are you the person who will take charge and coordinate all the pieces? Without Hanawalk many of the programs our students enjoy throughout the year would not be possible. Currently Hanawalk-Fall Fest is scheduled for Friday, September 25, 2009 and will coincide with our Fall Book Fair.

Don’t forget to attend the first PTA general meeting on September 10, 2009 at 6:30 pm in Mrs. Carpenter’s room. Our guest speaker of the night is pediatrician and Hanawalt dad, Dr. Pete Hetherington; he will talk to us all on the H1N1 virus and what we need to know to keep our kids safe.

Until then: "How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these".
-George Washington Carver

I hope everyone is off to a great and successful year and if throughout the year you need anything please feel free to give me a call at 252-1787 or drop me an email at Cheryl@tasty-treats.com.

News From the Principal

Welcome Back to School! Hanawalt Elementary School takes pride in welcoming new families! We are always excited to have people join our school family. This year we have two sections of kindergarten with 24 and 25 students; three sections of first grade with 19, 19 and 20 students; two full sections of second grade with 25 and 26 students; one combination classroom of second and third graders with a total of 24 students; two other sections of third grade with 26 and 24 students; three sections of fourth grade with 27, 28 and 28 students; and finally three sections of fifth grade with 19, 20, and 20 students.

A few staff members have also changed grade levels: Mr. Garvey is teaching 5th grade; Mrs. Thomas is teaching 4th grade; and Mrs. Genzen is teaching Kindergarten. Open Enrollment is closed for several grades. We have one new staff member: Aaron Carter, teaching special education.

Students are encouraged to arrive at school between 8:00 and 8:05. When they arrive the kindergarten students sit in the hallway near the school photo array. First through fifth grade students report to the gym and sit quietly according to their grade. This will make the lobby area less congested. Metro Kids Care is available before school if you need to drop off your child before 8 am.

Classes begin promptly at 8:15. Your children will be considered tardy if they arrive after the 8:15 bell.

The district has adopted a new student discipline code. If you have any questions or concerns about the new the discipline code, please do not hesitate to call me at 242-8411.

As you are dropping off your children in the morning, please remember to have them exit the car curbside. We do not want children getting out of vehicles in the middle of Robertson Drive. Thank you to the parents who are assisting with the morning drop off. We all want our children to be safe. Reminder: If you have a child waiting at a bus stop in the morning, please make sure that an adult is waiting until the child gets on the bus.

Other news: The district has been designated as a district in need of assistance according the guidelines established through No Child Left Behind. Hanawalt, however, met the annual goals in student achievement as measured by student performance on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. We are NOT a school in need of assistance. We should be very proud of our students and the staff for maintaining the high levels of achievement that are traditional at Hanawalt.

Students need to wear clothes that are appropriate for school. This means that students cannot wear shirts with spaghetti straps or shirts that are midriff cropped nor can they wear muscle shirts. Baggie shorts are not allowed. Tennis shoes must be worn on days that students have PE. Religious head coverings are permitted. Concerns about clothing can be addressed with the principal or the nurse.

If you are in need of assistance for school clothing or shoes, please contact me. All assistance is confidential.

Thank you for entrusting our amazing staff with your children.


Thank you to everyone who filled out the orange directory sheets at Meet the Teacher Night-we have a great start on the directory. Currently we are going through and updating all the changes that were requested. Within a couple of weeks we will send home a self sealing envelope with what is currently in our database. It will be the final chance for each family to check and edit this year’s directory submission. On the envelope it will also tell you the cost per directory and give you the chance to order…if you would like to order the directory simply note how many copies you would like, seal your money in the envelope and drop in the PTA mailbox outside the music room. Please make sure to seal the envelope - there is no way to know what money belongs with which order if it is just dropped loose in the mailbox!!

Work, Play and Create Together

Looking for a creative activity that you can do Saturday mornings with your child? The RDG Dahlquist Art Studio is offering classes for adults, but there is one that is specifically designed for a child over the age of 6 AND an adult. (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or family friend). The “Play with Clay” class begins September 26 and concludes October 31.

Call 284-1675 for more information or go to www.RDGARTEDUCATION.com for more information. This would be an opportunity to work, play, and create together!

Health News

An area support group for families and adults who are affected by Attention Deficit Disorder meets the first Monday of every month from 7-9 P.M at the West Des Moines Public Library, 4000 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, Iowa.
Please call Julie at 223-6730 if you have any questions. You do not have to be a CHADD member to attend. “CHADD does not endorse any product, service, publication, medication or treatment.”
Welcome back. I am so excited to be at Hanawalt and I am glad to report that my hours have increased here so, I will be here every day from around 8:00am to about 2:15 pm. I wanted to update you on what we are doing to combat the H1N1 virus. We are encouraging all of our staff to stay home when they are ill. We are also encouraging them all to receive the flu vaccine when it becomes available. All students need to stay home if they are ill. They should stay home if they are running a fever over 100 degrees, are vomiting, or having diarrhea. We want everyone, staff and students, to be symptom free for over 24 hours before they return. They must be fever free without the use of any medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen.

We are encouraging everyone to cough into a tissue or their elbow. The teachers will be reviewing this with all the students. We encourage frequent hand washing with soap and water, especially after using the restroom or before eating. We also encourage the use of alcohol based hand sanitizer when they are unable to use soap and water. We will be cleaning desks, door handles, stair rails, and drinking fountains frequently. Please feel free to call me at any time with any concerns or questions. We will all do our best to make this a healthy school year for everyone.

- Sandy Willett, School Nurse

Area Support Group

An area support group for families and adults who are affected by Attention Deficit Disorder meets the first Monday of every month from 7-9 P.M at the West Des Moines Public Library, 4000 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, Iowa.

Please call Julie at 223-6730 if you have any questions. You do not have to be a CHADD member to attend. “CHADD does not endorse any product, service, publication, medication or treatment.”

Safety First: Check Out These Drop Off Procedures

We’re off and running in the new school year and thanks to parent volunteers who make up the Parent Patrol, we’ve had a smooth drop off process.

As you drop your child off in the morning, we ask you to remember the following:

• No left turn on to Robertson from the parking lot. We know it can be easier to hit the light on Grand Ave., but it really creates congestion in front of the school, which complicates the entire process.
• There is no stopping in front of the school. Even if you just need to run into the office for a minute, please park east of the parking lot exit. The only exception is for drivers with handicap tags. While the handicap spots are blocked off, if you have a handicap tag, show it to one of the volunteers and we’d be happy to move the cones.
• When dropping off your child stopping along the curb in the driveway is the safest place. We want to get as many children out of their parent’s car as quickly and safely as possible. This is achieved when the cars serpentine through the parking lot. And, you don’t have to be at the stairs to let your children out, anywhere along the curb is acceptable.

Again, the Parent Patrol makes this all possible and we’re looking for volunteers to help children out of the cars. We need three volunteers a day to be effective, so please consider giving 25 minutes of your time. We meet at 7:45 a.m. and we’re ready to leave at 8:10. So if you can give a day, a week or even commit longer, please contact Lisa Russell at lisa@scubacreative.com or 277-1368.

Iowa AEA Online

Iowa’s Area Education Agencies and your school are providing up-to-date online resources for Iowa students. Check them out for research, homework or just for fun! Through Iowa AEA Online Iowa K-12 students have free access at school and at home (Internet access required) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to the following resources:

• Magazines – Thousands of articles from popular titles to scholarly journals.
• Newspapers – National, international and regional newspapers, plus television and radio transcripts.
• Encyclopedias – Online encyclopedias in English and Spanish, including all articles from World Book’s 22-volume print edition.
• Videos, Photos & Clipart – Over 4,000 educational videos, over one million current and historical photos, over six million images, fonts and sounds.
• Software Training – Thousands of tutorial movies answering the common questions people have when learning software programs.
• PLUS literary writings, dictionaries, maps, almanacs, biographies, web links, government documents, historic documents, information on weather, health, careers, business and more.

Login information: www.iowaaeaonline.org – user id is dsm18, and password is aea11. Have fun!

September 2009 - Dates to Remember

1 School Board Meeting
4 Site Based Council Meeting 7:00 a.m. Library. Bill Good, Chief of Operations for the district, will be here to discuss the upcoming Sales Tax Revenue Purpose vote on September 8. Please join us!
8 School Board Election and Vote on the Sales Tax Revenue Purpose Statement
9 School Pictures – begin at 8:15 a.m. Don’t be late!
120-minute early dismissal
10 PTA Meeting – 6:30 p.m. in room 117 – Topic: H1N1 Flu
18 No student classes

Welcome to a New Year

Welcome to Hanawalt 2009-2010

On behalf of the PTA I would like to welcome all students and families to Hanawalt for another fun year. We have a really great community here and whether you are new to Hanawalt or are a returning family-- here are a few tips to get you started off right!!

Wednesday’s are our “distribution” day. What that means is we try very hard to send home all important information on Wednesday’s. Occasionally you may have a paper come home on another day but be sure to check backpacks on each Wednesday for PTA correspondence, community, school and DMPS flyers. In an effort to save paper we will combine students from the same families and send the information home with only the youngest student.

Newsletters and Blog Spot: Our newsletters are published the first Wednesday of the month. It is available to view or download as a PDF on our blog: hanawaltpta.blogspot.com there are links to the school calendar as well as other information. We are still refining this communication tool, so any input, suggestions or additional things that you would find helpful please let us know! The blog is designed to provide quicker more efficient information to all our families. Meeting times and places will be on the calendar. If you do not have internet access please let your child’s teacher know so that we can send home a paper copy of the newsletter so you don’t miss out on any important information.

PTA General Meetings: All are welcome and encouraged to attend-information and great speakers will be the focus of our meetings. We will have two in the fall and one or two in the spring. The meetings will be held at 6:30 pm and will be kept to right around an hour. Our first two meetings are both on important subjects. Our September 10th meeting will feature pediatrician Dr. Pete Hetherington-he will discuss the H1N1 virus and how to keep our kids and school safe. The October meeting will discuss the new math curriculum.

SBC Meetings: The site based committee was formed when the remodel was being planned and executed at Hanawalt. This committee has remained active and deals mostly with building issues, class sizes and budgetary concerns just to name a few. Anyone is welcome to attend. These meetings are held the first Fridayof the month in September, October, February, March and April at 7am in the library. Any parental or teacher concerns can be voiced at these meetings. Additional meetings maybe scheduled if the need arises-a note will be sent home in backpacks and will be noted on the school calendar which can be found at hanawaltpta.blogspot.com The first meeting will be held September 4, 2009 our speaker will be Bill Good from DMPS, he will discuss the Sales Tax Revenue Purpose. He will give us information so that each family can be informed and make their own decision on this important issue. The vote will be held on September 8, 2009.

PTA Board and Committee Chair meetings: The elected officers and committee chairs (when available) meet the first Friday of each month at 8:15 am in the cafeteria to approve expenses for the month, hear committee reports, discuss teacher requests and general planning. Any parent is welcome to attend and speak to the board at these meetings. We try to keep these to an hour-but sometimes they run longer depending on the business on the floor. First meeting will be held September 4, 2009.

Fundraising: Hanawalk date is September 25th: This is the major fundraiser of the year that allows the PTA to do all the things we do for each our students. Sally Foster-gift wrap will be back this year as well. In the spring we will be replacing the Spelling challenge with a Geography Challenge. More information will be coming home on all these!

Important email addresses you may need throughout the year:

Principal: Julia Burton: julia.burton@dmps.k12.ia.us
PTA President: Cheryl Thompson: cheryl@tasty-treats.com
Volunteer coordinator: Beth Steffensen: bethsteffensen@dwx.com

These and others can also be obtained on our blog: Hanawaltpta.blogspot.com

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fifth Grade Supply List

The following is list of required supplies for Fifth Grade at Hanawalt for the 2009 - 2010 School year.

No Trappers or Large Oversize Notebooks for Fifth Grade students.

2 - Sticky note pads (3x3")
12 - #2 wooden pencils
3- Ink pens (1 blue or black, 2 red)
1 - Zippered canvas pencil holder (not plastic)
4 - Packages wide lined notebook paper
2 - Glue Sticks
1 - Pack of 10-12 colored pencils
6 - Pocket folders - No brads
6 - Wide-lined spiral notebooks 70 sheets each
1 Pkg 5x8 lined index cards
1 - 1 GB USB Flash Drive
2 – Highlighters
3 Boxes of Family sized tissues
1 - Backpack labeled with name (must fit inside locker & No wheels please)
1 - Bottle Hand Sanitizer
1 - Box or Package Disinfectant Wipes

Please remember, no Scented, Fluorescent, Glitter Crayons or Mechanical Pencils are allowed for any grade.

Fourth Grade Supply List

The following is list of required supplies for Fourth Grade at Hanawalt for the 2009 - 2010 School year.

No Trappers or Large Oversize Notebooks for Fourth Grade students.

4 - Sticky note pads (3x3")
12 - #2 wooden pencils
3 - Ink pens (1 blue or black, 2 red)
1 - Zippered canvas pencil holder (not plastic)
1 – Personal Pencil Sharpener
2 - Packages wide lined notebook paper
1 - Pack of 10-12 colored pencils
8 - Wide-lined spiral notebooks 70 sheets each
1 – Scissors
2 - Family boxes of Tissues
1 - Backpack labeled with name (must fit inside locker & No wheels please)
1 - Bottle Hand Sanitizer
1 - Box or Package Disinfectant Wipes

Please remember, no Scented, Fluorescent, Glitter Crayons or Mechanical Pencils are allowed for any grade.

Third Grade Supply List

The following is list of required supplies for Third Grade at Hanawalt for the 2009 - 2010 School year.

1 - Composition notebook
1 - Pencil sharpener with lid (Not battery operated)
1 - Box of 24 crayons or colored pencils
5 - Wide-lined spiral notebooks (70 pages each)
(1 blue, 1 green, 1 purple, 1 red, 1 yellow)
5 - Pocket folders (blue, green, purple, red, yellow) with Brads
1 - Box Crayola markers
1 – Zippered canvas pencil holder
1 - Scissors
4 - Glue sticks
2 - Red checking pens
12 to 24 - #2 Plain wood pencils
Several Erasers
2 - Family boxes of tissues
1 - Backpack labeled with name (must fit inside locker & No wheels please)
1 - Bottle Hand Sanitizer
1 - Box or Package Disinfectant Wipes

Please remember, no Scented, Fluorescent, Glitter Crayons or Mechanical Pencils are allowed for any grade.

Second Grade School Supply List

The following is list of required supplies for Second Grade at Hanawalt for the 2009 - 2010 School year. Please do NOT label your supplies

2 - Boxes of 24 crayons
4 - Glue Sticks
3 - Wide-lined spiral notebooks (70 pages each)
4 - Pocket folders (2 blue, 2 red– No brads)
6 - #2 Plain wood pencils
2 - Red checking pencils
1 - Pencil box
1 - Scissors (Fiskars cut easily)
3 - Family boxes of tissue
1 - Backpack labeled with name (must fit in shared locker & No wheels please)
1 - Bottle Hand Sanitizer
1 - Box or Package Disinfectant Wipes

Please remember, no Scented, Fluorescent, Glitter Crayons or Mechanical Pencils are allowed for any grade.

First Grade School Supply List

The following is list of required supplies for First Grade at Hanawalt for the 2009 - 2010 School year. Please do NOT label your supplies

3 – Wide-lined spiral notebooks (70 sheets/Not perforated)
1 - Box of 24 crayons
5 - Pocket Folders WITH Brads (red, blue, yellow, green, purple)
6 - #2 Plain wood Pencils with erasers
1 - Pencil Box
1 - Yellow Highlighter
1 - Scissors (Fiskars cut easily)
4 - Glue Sticks
2 - Expo Brand Dry Erase Markers
2 – 1 inch 3-Ring Binders
1 - Big Pink Easer
2 - Family boxes of tissues
1 - Box gallon or quart size Ziplock Bags
1 - Backpack (labeled with child’s name- must fit in shared locker - No wheels please)
1 - Bottle Hand Sanitizer
1 - Box or Package Disinfectant Wipes

Please remember, no Scented, Fluorescent, Glitter Crayons or Mechanical Pencils are allowed for any grade.

Kindergarten School Supply List

The following is list of required supplies for Kindergarten at Hanawalt for the 2009 - 2010 School year.

2 -Boxes of 24 crayons (Labeled with name)
6 -#2 Plain wood pencils
2 -Plain folders (1 blue, 1 yellow) WITH Brads
2 -Family boxes of tissues
9 -Glue sticks
2 -Boxes Quart size Ziplock Bags
1 -Scissors (Fiskars cut easily)
1 -Backpack labeled with name (must fit in shared locker & No wheels please)
1 - Bottle Hand Sanitizer
1 - Box or Package Disinfectant Wipes

Please remember, no Scented, Fluorescent, Glitter Crayons or Mechanical Pencils are allowed for any grade.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

News from the Principal

It is difficult to believe that it is already May. Even though the school year is winding down, the pace of teaching and learning certainly is not. Fifth grade students are preparing for the fifth grade promotion ceremony, but they still have a solid month of learning left. Our fifth grade students will be truly missed. Most of our students will be attending Merrill Middle School, but we have students who will be going to Brody, Callanan, McCombs, Goodrell, St. Teresa's, and Weeks. We know they are leaving Hanawalt well prepared to start the next phase of their journey. We are very proud of them!

I would also like to thank the parents and grandparents who support Hanawalt through their volunteerism or through their financial support, or both. Many people have made donations, which are matched by their employers; others have mailed checks directly to school. Your financial support has allowed us to purchase three document cameras and three infocus projectors. This technology will allow us to consume substantially less paper. By the end of the year, we hope to have purchased three more sets of this particular technology. In addition, we have purchased equipment to support the literacy listening centers in the kindergarten classrooms. We have also been able to purchase sets of advanced level reading books for all of our grade levels.

We have had tremendous support from parents volunteering in the classroom this year. We truly appreciate the difference you have made. The Literacy Army this year has been lead by Nadine Patch and Sue Hetherington. More than 30 volunteers have worked one on one with children this year. Not only are children becoming stronger readers, they are developing good relationships with members of our community. If you were able to chaperone a field trip, you know how much the students learn when they leave the school campus and venture to explore Living History Farms, experience a performance at the Playhouse or the Civic Center, or perhaps learn team building skills at Greenwood Park and get to dabble in the pond and mud, or visit the Art Center to see works they have studied! These are just a few of the learning opportunities that our students have participated in within the Des Moines area. Parents make this possible not only by supporting the PTA, but also by attending the events ensuring student safety.

Thank you very much for making the 2008-2009 school year such a great one!

Thank You, Principal Burton

Dear Ms. Burton,

Congratulations on your first school year as Hanawalt Principal! Thank you for all that you did to make it an outstanding year. It was fun continuing Hanawalt traditions, and starting some new ones. We appreciate everything that you do and the care that you give our school. Here’s to a great first year, and many more to come!

~~ A thousand “thank you’s” ~~

From Hanawalt Teachers & Families

Many Thanks for a Terrific Year

Hello, Hanawalt Families –

What a year it has been! It is hard to believe we only have one month of school to go. My sincere thanks to Hanawalt parents, teachers, and our school-wide community for all of your contributions. It has been an honor and a rewarding experience to serve as your PTA President for 2008-2009. On behalf of PTA, I hope that this has been a positive school year for you and your family. From Fall Walk, to Fun Night and everything in between, you made it happen. Thank you for your support—helping in classrooms, encouraging your kids, making donations, and being a part of our school in countless ways.

“Hanawalt Elementary is an excellent school because of YOU!”
While this school year has been great for PTA, I know that next year will be even better with Cheryl Thompson serving as our new president. Our PTA Board and Principal Burton are planning a few more events before the end of the year, and finalizing classroom technology purchases. We are already looking ahead to next year!
With many thanks, and wishes for a fantastic end-of-the-year and summer break! - Kay Smith - 2008-2009 PTA President

Fun Night - A Success!

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Fun Night a huge success! A special thanks to our Principal, Julia Burton, and “retiring” Fun Night Chairperson, Jennifer Hall! Our gratitude also goes out to Hanawalt parents, teachers, and outstanding volunteers. Whether you played a game, brought a cake, or simply enjoyed an evening with your family, you helped make this year’s event special.

In all, Hanawalt PTA took in over $4,000 on Friday night. This will add up to additional classroom technology and educational programming to benefit our students. We would also like to recognize our donors who made generous contributions to the silent auction:

All Play Des MoinesHoney Creek Park & Resort
Bistro MontageIowa Cubs
Susie BormannMary Martinez
Julie BrandtMary Muller
Bunny Bruning TennisShakti Yoga Shop
Julia BurtonAngie Sly, Silpada
Civic Center of Greater Des MoinesStar Bar
Des Moines PlayhouseTandem Brick
Gateway Market & CaféCheryl Thompson
Grand Slam Indoor BattingWakonda Club
Great Harvest BreadYon Family
Jennifer HallNicole O'Neal - Salon Za Za
Laura Higgins

Once again, thank you for supporting Hanawalt PTA!

Hanawalt Teachers are the BEST

Don’t forget to show your appreciation during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 4-8! Julie Brightman and the teacher appreciation committee have planned special surprises during the week, and we invite you to show your gratitude also. Special cards and notes are a great way to say “thank you” for all of the time and caring our teachers give to Hanawalt students every day of the school year. Many thanks to Julie Brightman for planning thoughtful little surprises…

Most of all, thank you to our teachers for all that you do!

May 8 - "Muffins With Mom or Special Guest"


Enjoy breakfast including: assorted muffins, bagels, juice and coffee. The cost is $5 per family at the door for Moms/special guest, and kids. Please see Ms. Burton so that we may help with payment, if needed.

In order to make this a relaxing event for moms and special guests, we are CALLING ALL DADS & VOLUNTEERS to help collect money at the door and serve muffins and bagels. We will need volunteers to help anytime between 6:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. If you are willing to help, please email Beth Steffensen, our VP of Volunteers at BethSteffensen@dwx.com

Thank you, we hope to see you there! - Hanawalt PTA

Book Fair - May 21 and 22

This year’s Spring Scholastic Book Fair is more important than ever. Due to DMPS District budget cuts, Hanawalt (and many other schools) received $0 FUNDING for new library books during this school year. In order to add new books for fall, we hope you will continue to support our Spring Book Fair.


Thanks to the generous support of Hanawalt families we have been able to keep growing our book collection for all of us to enjoy. The book fair will be open on May 21st and May 22nd with Fun Days & Relays. New this year, the fair will also be open during DOUGHNUTS WITH DAD—or your special guest—on Friday morning, May 22nd. Please stop by and support our library! If you would like to help with the fair, please contact the Scholastic Book Fair chairs.

Dianna Thompson Dithompson5702@hotmail.com
Elizabeth Mansfield ehmwardrobes@aol.com
Chuck Ginder charles.ginder@gmail.com

Des Moines City PTA Family of the Year!

Congratulations to Cheryl & Travis Thompson, and their sons, Jake, (4th grade), and Josh, (2nd grade)! The Thompsons were chosen by the Des Moines City PTA Council as the 2008-2009 PTA FAMILY OF THE YEAR! They have worked behind the scenes all year making PTA events happen. While Cheryl served as this year’s president-elect, her husband, Travis, programmed our school directory and launched our newsletter website. The whole family also helped from start-to-finish on each of our PTA events. Des Moines City-wide PTA selected the Thompsons for volunteering as a family. Hanawalt is proud—and lucky!—to have not only Cheryl, but Travis, Josh and Jake involved with PTA.


If your child(ren) would like to a keepsake yearbook for their elementary year 2008-09, please returned the Yearbook envelope and your payment to the PTA mailbox.

If you do not have a Yearbook envelope, stop by the office to pick up one OR, just send a check payable to PTA for $11 with your child's name, teacher's name and word YEARBOOK in the memo section. Thanks!

Yearbook questions contact: BethSteffensen@dwx.com


Reminder: Sick children need to stay home. A child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.

Please monitor the district website for information on the N1H1 virus. www.dmps.k12.ia.us.

A Day in the Arts - Huge Success

A Day in the Arts 2009 was a huge success! In the morning our students experienced lots of different arts experiences from fish printing to African dance to creating a collage to drawing cartoons to playing the harmonica to learning about photography to dance choreography to musical theater just to name a few. Over 18 artists shared their talents during the workshops. Then in the afternoon Opera Iowa conducted workshops for the 5th Grade class and then performed The Story of George Washington Carver to the entire school. It was a full but exciting day!

A special thank you to Principal Mrs. Burton, our teachers and staff. A huge thanks to all our parent volunteers and parent artists. A Day in the Arts would not be possible without everyone's support - it helps make Hanawalt a very special place!

Thank you again!

Kay Creger - Parent Co- Chair
Alissa McKinney - Parent Co-Chair
Sally McKenzie, Art Educator
Carol Looney, Music Education

Pictures from a Day in the Arts are available here:

Day in the Arts 2009

Music Notes


Congratulations to 10 Hanawalt chorus members who were chosen to be in the All City Honor Chorus. They are;. Jonathan Hays, Will Hedderich, David Ewing, Casey Anderson, Lauren Malcomson, Elaine Greiner, Maria O’Brien, Nina Vo, Vivian Le, Jordan Starkey, These students were all members of the Hanawalt Chorus this past fall. They took part in the festival with other students from all over Des Moines on Saturday, April 25th at Hoover High School, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Families and friends attended a concert from 3:30-4:00. Rebbeca Gruber was our guest clinician and conductor.


We have 3 special activities left this year for the Band. The first is the Band Concert on Tuesday, May 19th, at 6:00 in Wietz Commons (aka the cafeteria). This concert is full of great music. Each section will share a special song that they have chosen. The program will last about 1/2 hour. Then the Band will play for the whole school on Tuesday, May 26th. And finally we will have the Band pizza lunch, also on Tuesday, May 26th.

May 19th -Band Concert – nice clothing, meet at 5:45, in the music room, to tune.
May 26th – All School Band Concert – 2:10 in the Gym
May 26th - Pizza Lunch – bring something to drink and $1.50 for each slice of pizza. (limit of 2) Meet and eat in the music room.


The end of the year is almost here and it is time for a celebration of the progress the piano students have made. Piano Recitals will be held in the Music Room on four different days. They are scheduled for:

Tuesday - May 26
Wednesday – May 27
Thursday – May 28
Friday – May 29

Recitals will begin at 3:15 and end by about 4:15.

Each student will be assigned one of these dates. Please check with your student for their special day! We will try to schedule as close as possible to the last lesson. If there is a conflict, please call me at 279-0709 or 289-6053 and we’ll adjust.

Summer lessons are available in June if you’re interested. Please plan to come and be amazed at all the talent and dedication. - Mary Bierma